Following our polite request to Brent CCG to reconsider its decision to terminate the Brent Sickle Cell Advice and Support Service (see post of 20 July below), the Governing Body agreed on 7 September to continue funding until a new alternative proposal comes back to them and then to give 3 months notice if there was a decision to end the existing Service.
This at least is a breathing space and BPV welcomes the decision, even though we supported the Sickle Cell Society’s request for another year to allow for a full evaluation.
There is to be an important meeting open to the public at Brent CVS, 5 Rutherford Way, by Wembley Stadium, from 1 to 3pm on Thursday 15th September to discuss the way forward. Please come and encourage others to come if you are a Sickle Cell patient or know and care about their needs.
Leading up the CCG decision to think further there has been a barrage of letters between BPV and the CCG’s solicitors, as well as letters from MPs, articles in the Brent & Kilburn Times and on the Wembley Matters blog.