BPV has written to Brent CCG and Brent Council (27 June) to highlight the fact that our Borough has so far been harder hit by Covid-19 than any other area in the UK. Click here to download the letter
That’s official according to the Office for National Statistics. We are urging the authorities to seek special help in preparing for a possible Wave 2 in the winter or sooner. Brent needs money, supplementary staff to help exhausted front-line workers recover and specialist expertise to analyse just why the BAME community was so badly affected. When a plan is drawn up we need clear and hard-hitting messages using appropriate languages to be prepared in consultation with our various communities. We have had positive responses to our letter but it is disappointing, if not scandalous, that to date the national Covid-19 leadership has shown little interest in our situation. We are tempted to ask “Do Brent lives matter?”