NHS NW London reveals all – STP The Full Monty

Brent Patient Voice was among the noisier patient groups pressing the NW London NHS to put the STP (Sustainability and Transformation Plan) submission of 30 June into the public domain. We had the clear impression that they would not agree to do this until the autumn, by which time the document would be “final”.

Imagine our pleasant surprise when they suddenly told us that they had relented. If you have a strong constitution you can read the document at http://www.healthiernorthwestlondon.nhs.uk/news/2016/08/05/north-west-london-sustainability-transformation-plan. Even better if you would like a hard copy and ask nicely the NWL team will send you one.

We can’t be so welcoming about the contents which use complicated language to convey plans for cuts to hospital beds and fundamental changes to General Practice. We and others are aiming to apply the best forensic analysis we can muster and then it will be over to the healthcare profession and the public to have a say. After all it is our NHS.


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