EDEN approves BPV motions

Meeting on 20 April Brent CCG Equality Diversity and Engagement (EDEN) Committee approved with no opposition two motions from BPV members, one supported by the BPV Interim Position Statement on the discontinuance of the Wave 2 procurement processes.

Professor Ursula Gallagher, CCG Governing Body Nursing Member, who is about to leave the CCG said that the CCG approves the spirit and principle of our motion on ‘Planned Care’ Wave 2 proposing a round table meeting involving BPV to discuss the way forward for establishing MSK and gynaecology community out-patient services. She requested 2 weeks for the CCG to discuss the way forward.

The CCG new Senior Responsible Officer for Wave 2 Howard Lewis gave a low key presentation with no new information and less detail than in the paper for this EDEN Committee meeting.

Tessa Awe of Brent CVS gave a presentation on the work of the CCG Engagement Implementation Group expressing appropriate CCG good intentions but no further detail on how the CCG new patient/public engagement structures are to work or when they may be brought into operation.

Professor Gallagher said that the CCG have not yet received a ‘formal’ response from NHS England on their application to amend their constitution. She said that she recognised that the 5 locality PPGs are independent members organisations so the CCG does not have the power to close them down. She said that the CCG will be favourably disposed towards at least continuing to pay the room hire cost for locality PPG meetings, and would consider what if any further support the CCG should provide.

The CCG Acting Chief Operations Officer Sarah Mansuralli was not at the meeting. The only Governing Body doctor to attend the meeting was Deputy Chair Sarah Basham who only arrived half way through. BPV Steering Group members present were Irwin Van Colle, Nan Tewari, Maurice Hoffman and Peter Latham.

Peter Latham, BPV Steering Group member and Chairman Willesden Patient Participation Group.

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